Monday, November 26, 2012

Mason Jar Pin Cushion

Hello! I trust everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!!! I know I did. Ours involved our son, Taylor, returning home from a two year mission for our church. He served the great people in the Jacksonville, Florida mission. We had both sides of the family with us for Thanksgiving....45 people for dinner!!!
Trust me, after 733 days, I was truly grateful for this hug!
Now onto the pin cushion. I am going out with some friends for our own little Christmas celebration. We are each to bring a gift for the others that represents something we love, and keep the cost at $10.00. I love to sew. So, I thought I would make a sewing kit for my girlfriends.

Here they are all done. I think that they are sweet! Now, I would like to show you how to make one for yourself, or for your friends.

First off, gather all the supplies that you would like in your kit. My container is a mason jar.

For the pin cushion part start by cutting out a piece of cardboard 1/4 inch smaller than the circle part of the lid. Then cut the fabric that you would like to use 1 inch bigger than the cardboard.

Then, layer the fabric, stuffing and the cardboard circle. (I know, green stuffing...who knew?)

Using a glue gun, pull the fabric up around the circle.

So, after it is all glued it should look something like this.

I then glued the cushion to the lid with hot glue.

Screw the lid onto the jar.

Stick your pins in and the cushion part is done.

I completely forgot to put some buttons in the jar, so I made up these cute button cards to go into the jar with the other sewing supplies. I also made up a tag for the outside of the jar.

So, as you can see ~ super cute when done!
I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and now are ready to move onto Christmas!!!

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